Friday, December 18, 2009

Illness strikes!

Rob is going to have some time to watch movies, he has shingles. It is on his head, and is very painful. So, previously we recommended some serious movies, now in honor of him being sick and needing something to cheer him up, we recommend the comedy movies of the year. Our favorite was "The Hangover" We saw this with friends, which made it even better! Not for kids, but wonderfully adult. This may be the movie of the year! See it with friends. Two other very funny movies, both surprisingly with Paul Rudd in them, were "Role Models" and "I Love You Man!" All of these movies are sure to pick you up when you are feeling down! Again, go with friends and be in a mood to laugh. (I don't like this disturbing trend of male nudity in movies though, who ever thought that was a good idea?)

1 comment:

  1. Hope you start feeling better soon. Doesn't it hurt your head to laugh?? I agree with the nudity thing.
