Monday, October 12, 2009

Vegas Random thoughts!

I think the economy has really changed Vegas. In the past, we really enjoyed sitting in the casino, where they used to have lots of free bands, karioke, etc... and play the game "daughter or girlfriend?" Every other couple that walked by was a great candidate for this game, however, this summer and fall, not only have all the free bands and stuff gone away, we literally saw almost no couples to play the game on! I guess the economy has really changed the dating scene! Also, every casino now has dancing girls. Dancing on tables, on stages, in cages, its really wierd. Jodi and Rob kind of enjoy watching the dancing girls, its kind of interesting. But in honor of what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, we thought of taking pictures of the girls, but decided on spongebob instead!

1 comment:

  1. sponge bob allows you to have a g rated blog instead of x-rated!
